Thursday, March 6, 2014


MindBodyGreen is one of my favorite websites to frequent.  I usually find something that peaks my interest here.  I am constantly trying to learn new methods of eating healthy or finding new workouts.  This one article about digestion intrigued me. Chia seeds, coconut oil, ghee, Alaskan Salmon, zucchini, Bone broth, and Lacto-fermented vegetables are all foods that apparently boost digestion.

Chia seeds reduce inflammation and lower cholesterol.  Coconut oil is one of my favorite things.  It’s solid at room temperature and turns to oil with heat.  I find this fun to use. It contains properties that can improve digestion and boost energy and metabolism.  Sometimes I even rub some of this on my body as oil.  I usually think of fat when I think of ghee but apparently it is clarified butter without the sugar and lactose that come along with other milk fats.  Zucchini has a high fiber content and acts as a mild laxative. Lacto-fermented vegetables include foods like pickles, kimchee and sauerkraut, which have high levels of probiotics. These break down metals and other toxins that can be found in the body. All it takes is salt, a vegetable and filtered water! My next project in the kitchen will be to make my own lacto-fermented vegetable!

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